#include <Project.h>
Public Member Functions | |
Project () | |
Constructor. | |
~Project () | |
Destructor. | |
bool | AddTrack (Loader *ld, const track_t itrack, wxWindow *patent) |
Add a new track to the project. | |
bool | RemoveTrack (const track_t track) |
Remove a track from the project. | |
track_t | NumTracks () |
Number of tracks. | |
bool | SetMuteTrack (const track_t track, const bool state) |
Set mute flag of a track. | |
bool | GetMuteTrack (const track_t track) |
Get mute flag of a track. | |
bool | SetVolumeTrack (const track_t track, const track_t channel, const volume_t vol) |
Set output channel volume of a track. | |
volume_t | GetVolumeTrack (const track_t track, const track_t channel) |
Get output channel volume of a track. | |
bool | SetSelectionTrack (const track_t track, const samples_t start, const samples_t length) |
Set track selection. | |
void | GetSelectionTrack (const track_t track, samples_t &start, samples_t &length) |
Get track selection. | |
bool | CopySelectionTrack (const track_t track, wxWindow *parent) |
Copy track selection to clipboard. | |
bool | CutSelectionTrack (const track_t track, wxWindow *parent) |
Cut track selection to clipboard. | |
bool | PasteIntoTrack (const track_t track, wxWindow *parent) |
Paste clipboard into a track. | |
samples_t | TrackPeaks (const track_t track) |
Get number of peaks of a track. | |
floatsample_t | GetPeak (const track_t track, const samples_t ppos) |
Get a single peak value of a track. | |
bool | Changed () const |
Is the project changed since last store/load/new. | |
const wxString * | FileName () const |
Filename of the last project store. | |
void | New () |
Create an empty project. | |
bool | Load (wxFile &file, const wxString filename, Frame *parent) |
Load project from file. | |
bool | Store (wxFile &file, const wxString filename) |
Store project to file. | |
void | Play () |
Play the project. | |
void | Pause () |
Pause playback. | |
void | Stop () |
Stop playback. | |
void | ZoomIn () |
Zoom waveform visualization in. | |
void | ZoomOut () |
Zoom waveform visualization out. | |
samples_t | GetCursor () const |
Get current cursor position. | |
bool | SetCursor (samples_t pos) |
Set current cursor position. | |
samples_t | UpdateCursor () |
Update the cursor during playback. | |
bool | RegisterLoader (Loader *(*reg)()) |
Register a loader object. | |
int | NumLoaders () const |
Get number of loaders. | |
Loader * | GetLoader (const int index) const |
Get loader object. | |
bool | RegisterDevice (Device *(*reg)()) |
Register a device object. | |
int | NumDevices () const |
Get number of devices. | |
Device * | GetDevice (const int index) const |
Get device object. | |
void | SetPlayDevice (Device *dev) |
Set playback device. | |
format_ex_t | GetPlayFormat () |
Get current playback format. | |
bool | Render (Loader *ld, const format_ex_t &fmt, wxWindow *parent) |
Render project. | |
wxString | GetWorkDir () |
Get working directory. | |
ratio_t | GetInitPeakRatio () |
Get initial peak ratio. | |
int | GetDefPlayDevice () |
Get default playback device. | |
void | Configure (wxWindow *parent) |
Open configure dialog. | |
Private Member Functions | |
bool | check_consistency () |
Check internal track structures for consistency. | |
int | loader_refcnt (const Loader *ld) |
Number of loader references in all tracks. | |
samples_t | track_length (const track_t track) |
Get track length. | |
bool | copy_selection (const track_t track, wxWindow *parent) |
Copy track selection to clipboard. | |
void | append_clipboard (const track_t track, samples_t &npos, samples_t &nlen) |
Append clipboard to track. | |
void | clean_tracks () |
Remove all tracks. | |
Private Attributes | |
wxFile | clipboard |
Clipboard. | |
Tracks | tracks |
Tracks list. | |
wxMutex | track_mutex |
Mutex for accessing track data from multiple threads. | |
Loaders | loaders |
Loaders list. | |
Devices | devices |
Devices list. | |
PlayCallback | pcbk |
Playback callback. | |
ratio_t | pratio |
Peak display ratio. | |
Device * | pdev |
Playback device. | |
wxString | fname |
Last store filename. | |
bool | changed |
Changed since last store/load/new. | |
bool | playing |
Currently playing. | |
bool | paused |
Currently paused. | |
samples_t | scursor |
Starting cursor position. | |
samples_t | cursor |
Cursor position. | |
Friends | |
samples_t | PlayCallback::OnBuffer (void *buf, const samples_t len, const samples_t pos, const format_ex_t &format) |
Playback Callback can access project's private structures. |
Base class of a project. Project contains tracks, cuts, loaders, devices etc.
Constructor. Initializes an empty project with default playback options. |
Destructor. Stop playback and cleanup. |
Add a new track to the project. Adds new track (via its loader) to the project.
Append clipboard to track. Append the contents of the clipboard to the given track.
Is the project changed since last store/load/new.
Check internal track structures for consistency. Iterate throught the internal structures of the project a check for consistency (i.e. the count of tracks equals to the number of allocated tracks, etc.).
Remove all tracks. Cleanup the project by removing and disposing all tracks. |
Open configure dialog.
Copy track selection to clipboard.
Copy track selection to clipboard.
Cut track selection to clipboard.
Filename of the last project store.
Get current cursor position. Get current position of the cursor (in peak units).
Get default playback device.
Get device object. Get the 'index'-th device from the devices list by calling the register fuction.
Get initial peak ratio.
Get loader object. Get the 'index'-th loader from the loaders list by calling the register fuction.
Get mute flag of a track. Queries the mute or unmute state of a single track.
Get a single peak value of a track. Get the value of a peak in current zoom factor on a given position (in zoomed units) of a track.
Get current playback format.
Get track selection. Get the selection range of a track.
Get output channel volume of a track. Get the volume of a given output channel of a track.
Get working directory.
Load project from file. Create a new project from file. All previous project data is discarted.
Number of loader references in all tracks.
Create an empty project. Create a new empty project. All previous project data is discarted. |
Get number of devices.
Get number of loaders.
Number of tracks.
Paste clipboard into a track. Paste the contents of the clipboard into the given track (at the position of the cursor). All data after the cursor position is shifted forward.
Pause playback. Pause or resume playback. |
Play the project. Start playback. |
Register a device object. Append a device object (its registration function) to the devices list.
Register a loader object. Append a loader object (its registration function) to the loaders list.
Remove a track from the project.
Render project. Render (mix) the whole project to a file.
Set current cursor position. Change the cursor position (by user click, etc.).
Set mute flag of a track. Mutes or unmutes a single track.
Set playback device. Set the playback device of the project. Any previously chosen device is shut down.
Set track selection. Set the selection range of a track.
Set output channel volume of a track. Change the volume of a given output channel of a track.
Stop playback. Stop playback. |
Store project to file. Store the current project data to file and reset the changed flag.
Get track length.
Get number of peaks of a track. Get the number of peaks which represent the waveform of a track in current zoom factor.
Update the cursor during playback. Update the cursor position from the current position of the playback device.
Zoom waveform visualization in. Divide the zoom factor by 2, thus zoom the project in (each peak will represent less wave samples). |
Zoom waveform visualization out. Multiply the zoom factor by 2, thus zoom the project out (each peak will represent more wave samples). |
Playback Callback can access project's private structures.
Changed since last store/load/new.
Cursor position.
Devices list.
Last store filename.
Loaders list.
Currently paused.
Playback callback.
Playback device.
Currently playing.
Peak display ratio.
Starting cursor position.
Mutex for accessing track data from multiple threads.
Tracks list.